Non Conventional Methods

Some Non-Conventional Methods

Pioneered by Gaurav Singhal  [Profile]

Imagine what fight against the colonial super-power would have been without the Satyagrah, the Non-cooperation, the Dharna, the Boycott, the Picketing, and so on. At that time they were totally new, non-conventional concepts to change the mindset of people.

SAVE has been using some non-conventional methods that it believes can bring unimaginable results in a very short time. Such measures may be adopted by victims and/or by their relatives and friends.

Lack of parental/societal control or interference creates an environment conducive to ragging.

Raggers believe that their parents and siblings will never ever get to know about their heinous acts. Ragging may be controlled by breaking this perception.

Making anonymous calls and/or sending letters/emails to the parents of raggers may warn them and resultant interference by their parents may create an effective deterrent.

Write to the persons concerned, share victim's plight.

As another non-conventional method, the freshers to create pressure on college administration by writing anonymous emails to the college administration authorities elaborating their plight and marking a copy to all the available faculty members and staff of the college. From NITs to private colleges, this method has worked in many cases. 

(See examples)

Make Your Own News Story!

Since media can not possibly cover all the incidents of ragging we encourage students to make a short film through their mobile phone cameras, or write a detailed article about the state of ragging in their colleges, and post them at video sharing/networking/blogging websites.

The lack of positive action/will on the part of colleges is often attributed to a false perception of ‘harm to prestige/reputation.’ When the truth comes out in the open, the institutions will come under pressure to perform their obligations.

However, please do not misuse these methods.

Please do not make false allegation against any institution / student for personal rivalry or whatsoever.

Gandhian Methods : Satyagrah

In the recent past, we have also advised students to adopt Gandhian method of hunger strike, or a boycott of mess food once in a week. When a soul refuses to take food, hearts melt.